Exhibitors at IWJG Shows

Exhibitor Cases

IWJG Members may rent small and large display cases for our shows.

Costs vary from $60 to $165 each, vertical (small only) and horizontal, depending on size.

Small horizontal cases are approximately 22" x 34" x 3-1/4", and two will fit on a table:

IWJG Exhibitor Small Cases

Our custom-built large cases measure 5’ x 17-1/2” x 14”. Only one will fit on a table.

IWJG Exhibitor Large Cases

Exhibitor Insurance

Does your insurance policy cover every kind of loss? Keep the following tips in mind when evaluating or purchasing insurance for your merchandise.

  • Fine print: Some policies do not cover "mysterious or unexplained disappearances." Watch out!
  • Deductibles: Premiums are cheaper if your deductible is $10,000 or more.
  • Coverage limitations: Make sure your policy covers both watches and jewelry. Make sure you're covered not only in your store, office, or home, but also on the road.
  • Make sure you are covered on "Memos."
  • Proof of loss: Record all serial numbers, and keep a very good description of each item, ideally a photograph or even a photocopy of the item.
  • Cost of insurance: Top insurance underwriters have competitive rates. The cheapest insurance is not necessarily the best.

Exhibitor Safes

IThe IWJG makes safes and lockboxes available to members at our shows, under heavy security.

The following sizes are available:

  • Small: 4-3/4" H x 10-1/8" W x 21-1/4" D
  • Medium: 10-1/2 H x 10" W x 21" D
  • X-Medium: 14-3/4" H x 10" W x 22" D
  • XX-Medium: 15" H x 15" W x 22" D
  • Large: 21-1/2" H x 15-1/2" W x 22-1/2" D
  • X-Large: 30-1/4" H x 14-3/4" W x 21-1/4" D
  • XX-Large: 36-1/8" H x 20-3/4" W x 22-1/2" D
  • Whole Safe

Costs vary from $160 to depending on size and setup.

IWJG Exhibitor Safes

Exhibitor Security

All IWJG shows feature heavy security for our members. Nevertheless, jewelry robberies are always a serious threat: many in our industry have been robbed, especially while traveling. So in the interest of safety, please follow our tips for protecting yourself and your valuables. We will prevail as a group!

Use our Security Services

Contact our office to use any of these inexpensive IWJG services, exclusively for members:

  • Armed escort guards. When arriving and (especially) when leaving shows.
  • Brinks shipping for your merchandise. When possible, ship rather than carry your merchandise. Smaller dealers use UPS.
  • Brinks insurance at shows.

General Tips

  1. Travel with other dealers. The more the safer. Change your travel plans to work this out.
  2. Never be alone. Don't let yourself get anyplace that will make it easy for them to use a gun.
  3. Get insurance! You can afford it. The alternative is financial disaster.
  4. Don't put your life's work in one bag. Don't try to carry too much!
  5. Don't underestimate the crooks.
    • They know each of us.
    • They are organized with teams in every major city.
    • They work every jewelry, coin, and antique show in America. We are just another payday for them.
    • Don't believe they get lucky when they steal a bag. It's what they do for a living!
    • It can happen to you.

If You Drive

  1. Do not stop for gas. Tank up before the trip.
  2. Do not stop for food. Avoid restaurants and drive-ins, even with large groups.
  3. Do not stop to fix a flat tire. Just drive on the rim.
  4. Do not stop if your car is hit. The other driver may be a dangerous criminal: this is a common scam that uses two cars.
  5. Do not stop, period.
  6. Use valet service, if you must park. Stay out of garages.

If You Fly

  1. Hire a cop to escort you through airport security. Do not go through security alone. The X-ray machine is a prime spot to lose your bag!
  2. Keep your bag with you at all times. Don't put it down, even for one second. Keep it on your shoulder, with a hand on it.

In The Hotel

  1. Do not leave valuables in the hotel room. The thieves have keys too.
  2. Do not trust your life savings to the hotel lobby with only one person on duty at four o'clock in the morning.

Other Travel Tips

  1. Do not put down your bag in the restroom. (Better to wear adult diapers than lose your life savings.)
  2. Avoid alcohol unless your valuables are securely locked up.
  3. Do not share a taxicab.
  4. Do not let anyone open a door for you.

Exhibitor Tables

Each table "island" is laid out as a rectangle, with 8-10 tables each.

$460 (half table) to $765 (whole table) to $945 (whole wall table for platinum members only) prepaid.

$510 (half table) to $815 (whole table) to $995 (whole wall table for platinum members only) if you pay at the door.

Tables are 6' x 18" and include two chairs, one light fixture, and a sign with the member's name and company.

IWJG Exhibitor Tables

Trader's Badge

It has been brought to our attention by some tableholders that too many members are selling on the floor with a table or a trader's badge. This is NOT FAIR to our tableholders, whose support keeps us going.

Our policy is that if you come to our shows to sell and do not buy a table, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BUY A TRADER'S BADGE. This policy MUST be honored by all members.

Trader's Badge Pre-paid or at door:

Please take a half table if you come to sell. If no table, YOU MUST BUY A TRADER'S BADGE for AN ADDITIONAL $365. When you call to pre-register for a show, please tell our people that you need a trader's badge.

After two (2) warnings of failing to comply with our instructions above, your membership to be reviewed for suspension.


Join us each month as we travel the United States, and meet the very best membership on the planet! Click the button below to view this year's trade show calendar and plan ahead to be at the show of your choice. Shows are held in first class hotels, with heavy police security and conveniences for all Exhibitors.


Please make sure to register earoly for any of our trade shows. Our members trade in vintage and modern watches, jewelry, diamonds, gold, gems, pens, coins, stamps, clocks, estate jewelry, antique jewelry, entire store stocks, entire manufacturer stocks, and close-out lots.


As a member of the IWJG, you receive exclusive access to 8-10 trade shows every year for members only, a worldwide network of dealers and collectors, online pricelists, six newsletters per year, tables, security cases, lockboxes, and heavy police security is provided at all shows.


As a member of the IWJG, you have access to this IWJG Shipping Release and Addendum that is necesssaary to have for the 2024 year. You can download this form by clicking the button below. Please make sure you have a PDF Reader available on youur computer, tablet, or phone to be able to view it.

I had a very good show that was better than my last out of country event without the deep investment in expense and time out of the country..
I've been a member for many years and it's one of the Best Jewelry venues available for true Jewelery & Fine Watch enthusiasts!
I’m honored to be part of such a great organization, Joe. Thank you for all you, Olga, Christina, and the rest of the staff do for us.