Prepaid Pricing: Buyers Badge $280.00 Entry into show at 9am
At Door Pricing: Buyers Badge $330.00 Entry into show at 9am
Buyer badges are available for members to purchase merchandise only. Members are not allowed to sell or trade out merchandise with a Buyers Badge.
It has been brought to our attention by some tableholders that too many members are selling on the floor with a table or a trader's badge. This is NOT FAIR to our tableholders, whose support keeps us going.
Our policy is that if you come to our shows to sell and do not buy a table, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BUY A TRADER'S BADGE. This policy MUST be honored by all members.
Trader's Badge Pre-paid or at door:
Please take a half table if you come to sell. If no table, YOU MUST BUY A TRADER'S BADGE for AN ADDITIONAL $350. When you call to pre-register for a show, please tell our people that you need a trader's badge.
After two (2) warnings of failing to comply with our instructions above, your membership to be reviewed for suspension.
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority
New York City: The Official Guide